I am lost at what might be the cause. I am working hard physically which has increased my energy big time. I am taking zink, calcium, magnesium, ginko, and blue\green algea as supplements, and the iodine.
I take low dose of Seroquil for allergies {heh, heh} and I hydrate to the max.
I think addressing the tooth infection and scalp itch have a major role to play as well.
Digestion is returning to norms, and b. hominis is stable.
The things that still persist are; the prostate problem, the eye floaters, and the white tongue {although not as bad}.
I am going to bath in caol tar shampoo to kill the mites, as well as clean and disinfect bedding ect.
I really do suspect a bacteria at the root of this. I am thinking something like the borrelia bergdorferi bacterium. {lyme disease}.
Not the same variety, but similiar in the way it parasitizes the host.
The demodex mites could be the vector.
The fact is, my health is top notch, and aside from allergies, my immune-system is above normal. Everything points to some toxin which continues to poison at low levels.
The B. Hominis is suspect # 1 of course, but the skin mites look very large when I grow them in culture, and are in fact causing separate symptoms {external}.
I have big problems with the roots in my teeth, which I do not completely blame on age. The high level of nitrite in saliva is not normal, so this may be part of the puzzle. More study................ Shroom