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achieving health
romeo21 Views: 961
Published: 18 y

achieving health

HI, I'm finding it more and more difficult to decide between so many products out there to help me with my health issues but I like you're ways :) Everything is soooo confusing! Bottom line I want to be healthy and feel that I'm far from it.

I'm 25, don't get periods unless on bcp(which I will never use again),I went 8 mos without a period,Although I did get one in March for some reason.I really want children but that will be impossible without a period. I know my hormones are very messed up!

I have irregular heartbeats, bad headaches, what seems to be some type of bladder spasm ecspecially at night,I pee but once I lay down fell like I still have to pee, I tend to clench my jaw often without even knowing I'm doing it, toe fungus, recently got rid of a fungus on my back, once in awhile my eye gets really red and irritated, I used to work in a smoky bar and during that time I always had sore throat, shortness of breath (still have shortness of breath sometimes) and bad allergies. I have one silver filling on the side of my tooth. A piece of my back molar fell off a few years ago which gets sore if I'm not persistent with oping. I feel like I have bad breat often.

Any advice would be helpful and very appreciated! :)


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