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Castor Oil, Taboo Subjects & A Thank You!
humaworm Views: 2,039
Published: 18 y
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Castor Oil, Taboo Subjects & A Thank You!

Thank you so much cora! Cleansing for parasites used to be very commonplace - it was just a thing folks did way back when. Castor oil was the most popular method because it was (and still is) cheap and readily available for the average families back then. It didn't get all of the parasites, but it did a heckuva job on the ones in the intestines! As medicine became "modern" and as folks got more urban and sophisticated, they dropped parasite cleansing along with the horse and buggy. Too old-fashioned - and of course, the "modern" parent did not want THEIR kids going through the same awful stomach cramping and severe diarrhea from the castor oil cleanses that they themselves had to go through as children. Parents always want better for their children - but dropping the parasite cleansing actually has done more harm than good.

One of the ladies here in the office who watches the show said that Oprah seems to be getting interested in "alternative thinking". Spiritual and physical. I really do hope that she will do a show about parasite infections and that she will be fair and open-minded about the whole thing. Yes - my little bit of posting here on CureZone over the last year, in my opinion, has helped folks on the subject of parasites - but her audience and influence is far greater than we can even imagine.

Parasite infections have been getting a good bit of press lately. There was a show on either the Discovery Channel or the Science Channel here a while back that did a great job of explaining about general parasite infections. The tremendous amount of tainted food and tainted water here lately has also got folks thinking more about the microscopic world of parasites.

I do hope that the interest in the subject continues. There are some mighty sick and scared folks in this world who have parasite infections and can't get help from anyone - especially doctors. Talking about parasites is absolutely TABOO in this country. You can turn on the TV and see ads for feminine products, herpes medication, penile erection products and so forth and so on - if we can accept these "delicate" subjects - then why can't we accept parasites???


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