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Re: Yes!
John Cullison Views: 6,202
Published: 23 y
This is a reply to # 86,351

Re: Yes!

Hi, Mama!

Ummm... I've never had my liver enzymes checked. I've never had jaundice to my knowledge. Then again, since I've done flushes and my energy level has increased, maybe I *had* such problems previously (or they've decreased in intensity, or...). That I was unhealthy didn't require numerical analysis in a lab, so I never bothered to look. The numbers wouldn't have made me any more inclined to do something about it.

I've never had my cholesterol numbers checked, either.

Thus, I can't give you a case of scientific validity that you seek. I don't have the numbers.

I do think that there is validity to the idea of cholesterol leaving the liver/gall system through the bile duct during a flush. I don't know that it's in "liquid" form (is cholesterol liquid or solid at body temperature?), but in a gelatinous form is certainly credible. Could it form into balls in your intestines? Well... ball shaped inside your intestines would require that the stuff be "rolled around" or formed into balls, neither of which is likely. Possible, sure. Likely, no.

Real in-your-gall-bladder gall stones form over long periods of time, starting with a small "grain" of... cholesterol? parasite chunk? fat? toxin? and start to collect layers. (Ogres are like gall stones. *snicker*) These can be ball shaped because they have time to acquire these layers, slowly. Gall stones of any particular size do not form over night or even over three nights, so the idea that these balls would form in your intestines in that amount of time is not really tenable.

I do know, however, that when I've flushed, and when I've had attacks without flushes, that the gall stones that have come out were the real deal -- especially since I've had stones come out after *attacks*, not flushes (and thus not a drop of olive oil in sight, and definitely not mere "soft cholesterol" passing through my system). There's little mistaking a stone that comes out after a bona fide gall bladder attack. I didn't even have to think to look for them -- they scratch on the way out, so I knew when to look.

These stones were not merely "cholesterol which formed into balls" in my intestine.



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