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Re: if thats crazy
23rd Psalm Views: 1,877
Published: 18 y
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Re: if thats crazy

I do not believe that it would work against HDL. Here's an impressive testimonial I picked up somewhere:

In 2002, my Mom suffered a small stroke. Afterwards, I remembered what I had learned in 'LEFT FOR DEAD', and - unbeknownst to her doctor - two weeks before a scheduled test to determine the degree of blockage in her carotid arteries, I convinced my Mom to go on the 12-Day Flush as an experiment. When the doctor got the test results, she was quite surprised to find that the blood flow through my Mom's arteries was similar to what she sometimes finds in 17-year-olds, and she was at a loss to explain how the stroke had occurred in the first place. Because we didn't have a test done PRIOR to the Flush, I can't unequivocally prove that the Lecithin was responsible for the unexpected results. You can draw your own conclusions.


And, here's a something about Iodine and Lecithin:

Iodine/iodide helps oils, fats and waxes dissolve in water. It has been found to dissolve cholesterol plaque in the arteries. Lecithin also does this.

So, Iodine & Lecithin may both clean our arteries!


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