The latest on the Tetrasil product is found at There you can purchase a tube or two which will contain the Ag4O4 compound. Note that it is based in a petroleum combination base. The small tubes are not cheap, but then far cheaper than medications that are widely available by the pharmaceuticals. Also the Tetrasil that was given to the one person who has received it in the USA, is available in the same form. All you have to do is buy the product and get a doctor that can and will deliver it in a IV solution.
NOTE: the marantech web site and any knowledge of the company having and existence is at this point washed out from the internet. They are based in RI and if they do still exist, may be found in the phone book, i do still believe they are the holders of the Tetrasil product.
Imusil, the liquid and pure form of this compound is just plain not available or in existence. Can a chemist make? YES Having the right substances to do so is the key.