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Male Circumcision - heightened pain sensitivity
Karlin Views: 8,030
Published: 18 y

Male Circumcision - heightened pain sensitivity

This is an issue that still needs some more discussion, the truth of it is still not on the minds of parents and victims.

We are still looking everywhere else for answers to our social and sexual problems and yet it is right here. Also, it now appears that we could be pointing the finger at circumcision for chronic pain conditions in men.

The mainstream medical industry [corporate medicine] is deflecting the truth of circumcision and using those lies to sell more pills for depression, painfilling, etc. We are not fully informed when we discuss it with doctors.

These articles [links provided below] have the Science and research behind them that shows the reality of male circumcision:

4 links to articles about male circumcision and heightened pain sensitivity:

Maybe circumcision is a plot to make society mean and angry -
quote :
"A baby boy who is circumcised will for sure feel more pain for his first six months, and anyone who has taken care of an infant knows that more pain means more fussing and crying. More fussing and crying means a more temperamental child who is more distant from his parents. This circumcision research goes a long way toward explaining the psychological differences between boys and girls. Want to make your boy colder and more distant? Away with the foreskin!"

"Colder and more distant"? - isn't that the main complaint of women about their men?

OR - maybe it is about not enjoying sex, to meet the puritanicl requirements of getting into heaven when we die, and living a life of agony so as to WANT heaven to be real, which helps get seats in the pews of churches or something self-serving like that -
"With intravaginal containment of the normal penis, the male's mobile sheath is placed within the woman's vaginal sheath. It is impossible to imagine a better mechanical arrangement for non-abrasive stimulation of the male and female genitalia than this slick 'sheath within a sheath.' Circumcision destroys this one sheath within a sheath "

Whatever nefarious reasons might be behind it, there are some vitally important realities of this 'ritual scarfication', including chronic pain conditions:
Connect the dots and you'll see that circumcision may well doom your son to a live of heightened sensitivity to pain. What doesn't hurt others much will hurt him more.
Studies show that, on average, men have a lower pain threshhold than women. Given the same stimulus, women tend to feel less pain than men. Now, most men are circumcised. Isn't it possible that this difference in sensitivity to pain is due to early circumcision?

quote #2 on chronic pain:
"Uncircumcised men were less sensitive to touch on the forearm than circumcised men"

So there we are -0 a nice tidy explanation for the epidemic of chronic pain in our society. So why was circumcision not causing this chronic pain epidemic for cneturies where circumcision has been ritual? - because modern medicine uses the "RADICAL CIRCUMCISION" just to make sure we are messed up -
"today's hospital circumcisions ("Radical" circumcision) bears almost no resemblance to original/true mosaic/abrahamic circumcision. Original circumcisions just cut off the "overhang" which is a small tube of skin which hangs off the front, which migrates backwards as the penis lengthens later in life (circumcised men often have so little shaft skin that erections are painful). The fact that original cirumcision only cut off the overhang explains how biblical Zipporah, Moses's Hamite/Ethiopian wife, was able to circumcise their son in a moment with "a sharp stone" and then "throw it at his feet" with time left to curse him (Moses refused to do it, and I can't blame him). You can't do a radical circumcision like that! It could be done just by lopping off some of the overhang. Although still of course damaging, this still leaves the victim mostly sexually functional; most of the foreskin remains intact, so does the frenulum, most of the protective qualities, nerves, and skin remain, and, if the child is pre-pubatal, the remaining foreskin remains fused to the glans to allow proper development of the penis. The procedure would not impact sexuality as terribly as radical circumcision, although there would be an effect, especially upon the child's mind, and his culture, for becoming insensitive to such a violent yet solemn hazing/initiation of children and babies into life."
-end quotes -

So there we are - a mass of whimpering sputtering males amongst females who do "can take the heat" where the men cannot.
Just doing the dishes in hot water shows the pain sensitivity, and it shows the social/personal damage of having this unacknowledged pain sensitivity for males - my mother would not flinch when that hot water touched her hand, yet I would recoil at it, and be teased for my instinctive reaction, and for a 12 yr old 'young man' that is devastating to be more of a whimp that your mother is.
Furthermore, it changes the boy's 'perception of pain thresholds' - I remember thinking that "ok, THIS amount of pain is what I should be able to tolerate without flinching or showing it at all, so from now on I will not show it when I hurt 'that much', I will just take it" [eg. - hot water my mother can handle].

That mindset led me to a world of hurt:
In situations where I was getting hurt, I would not remove myself from ;
Where pain existed, I would chide myself for being a whimp ;
I hated women for being so tough, and I have a growing fear of women too ;
I hated society for demanding that I be tougher than women [which also disrespects women, yes I know] ;

There. Now do you get it? - these young males are devastated by the situation of having this "Unacknowledged pain" , and of having a low threshold for pain in general. Plus, the sexual and social problems. Gees, it is amazing I didn't completely collapse and have a totally wasted life.... oh ya, I did, I do!!

But "blame is a weakness too", so I cannot even complain about it without feeling even more humiliated.

And this is what our males are like!!!

ps - this wil be a topic in my CureZone blog called "Path of my Life"



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