"Do you think the defiinition of "healer" includes those who make repeated willful attacks at other parties, over the course of several months as a policy and custom, where the attacks knowingly contain demonstrably false information and were calculated to damage and defame the recipients?"
Of course it doesn't. No matter what someone writes or says, never ever take it personally. Someone's intentions might be ulterior and/or it may arise from their belief system. We almost never argue with each other we just consult our belief systems and argue with the belief systems of others. I never get to meet with anybody here on curezone anyway so this is another reason why I don't take things personally here.
I don't see any evidence of someone who is attempting to undermine alternative therapy on the iodine debate forum. I do see circumstantial evidence of this agenda on the Kevin Trudeau debate forum. I might be wrong but thats fine. I like a good debate on alternative medicine and nutrition.