Re: Help! Fluid Retention, stomach being pumped constantly.
If it was me I'd cut my ties with the allopathic mindset. For stomach cancer, it has been shown time and time again that
Essiac is unbeatable. Add to that enzymes, raw organic foods(especially juices and especially cabbage). Homemade raw saurkraut is also healing to the stomach. Stomach cells repair themselves at a very high rate. A new stomach grows about every two weeks. This is good news in this case because positive results can be seen and felt right away. I would also consider supplementing with NAC and especially L-Glutamine which will help the situation. I would exclude dead and toxic foods from my diet such as raw sugar, white flour, dairy, meat, and go with fruits, veggies, whole grains int their whole form and as much raw as posiible.
Radiation and chemo is very, very, very, very, very, very,(infinity) toxic to the digestive tract. These treatments cause severe internal burns which may be much worse than the cancer itself. I would never subbject myself to these treatments. Its a case of "the treatment is worse than the disease".
People need to trust in their own innate wisdom once again.