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Re: Anyone ever able to stop Thyroid meds?

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Re: Anyone ever able to stop Thyroid meds?

I got off thyroid hormone after being on it for three years. Now, after eighteen months I am back on it. Both times that I went hypo I had been eating 1 teaspoon or more of kelp a day for about eight months. and others have said that too much Iodine can cause hypothyroidism. I stopped taking the kelp and started the detox with the foot pads, biochelat and magnetic clay again. It will be interesting to see if it works again. I will know in about two months. Also, I was eating cabbage everyday and stopped that too since it suppresses the thyroid. This is my post from last year. At this point I don't know what the exact cause of hypo is in my case but the first detox I did worked for sure. Maybe it's toxins, too much kelp, or eating too much cabbage caused it this time.


I also know of someone who got off armour after four years. He said that his doctor said that it was too much stress that caused it.

Someone else at claims that they got armour after following the askmoreless protocol. She said the kelp made the difference. I was on the moreless protocol with the kelp for about eight months and now I am hypo again.I am still on it except that I stopped the kelp. I think what may be happening after eight months or so I got too much Iodine stored and that may have caused the thyroid to stop working again. I am not sure. This person who credits the kelp for getting her off armour might find herself back on it again after a year or so. Who knows. Even moreless has something on his site about too much Iodine causing thyroid problems.
By the way I am taking nutri-meds bovine thyroid which has worked very well for me. Let's hope that the FDA doesn't stop the sale of all altenative medicine products including the detox products I have taken and still taking. We should know soon.

These are the sites where I get the detox products

The bottom line is to stop doing what's causing your thyroid to stop working and also doing something that helps it too if needed. There is no easy answer but I can tell you that doing a safe adn inexpensive detox like I did is a very good thing to do. As is following a good diet and the moreless protocol minus the kelp.



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