yes Grog brings out excellent warning
i never use product like that around my clothes
in fact BOB turned me on to using Bronners liquid soaps as clothes washings
and i often soak stuff in a light baking soda mix first if not colored and need a bit of soaking or lightening. for heavier stains.
i NEVER use clorox etc/ and never
additives in my dryer.
i know that there are a good many alternatives that can be used..
for moisquitos.. on eof htem is soimply a good decotion of basil tea water/ could add a bit of lemon balm to it/ and spritz it on your body as needed.
also might consider adding a bit of neem to it. (is an herb/ tree bark oil )
i have personally noticed this year after a lot of detoxing,
that the mosquitoes are leaving me alone !!
they sense me and want to land and get food *smile*
but for some reason they are not biting me.. they just keep landing in frustration but for some reason i am repelling them from biting.. it is annoying
my problem is in getting rid of the recluse spiders and hobos we have around here..
we are all getting some seriously nasty bites this year..
in fact i am making a ointment up today for all of us..
i intend to get some neem and see if that helps repel them off us