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Re: for pain (external): update
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Re: for pain (external): update

Hi mysiana,

cayenne has such powerful healing qualities, and has proven so beneficial to me - I keep a jar in my desk drawer and one at home. I take it daily - 1tsp. dissolved with fresh lemon juice and a bit of Celtic Sea Salt and sprinkle it on my broths and marinades. I also use it externally, for pain and to reduce swelling of any agravated joints. I has So many and so varied uses, it is practically a necessity in my opinion.

I am printing a few bullets with two links, but you can find lots of info about cayenne here in CureZone and on the web. There is also a book by Sam Biser, called "Saving Your Life with Cayenne" which I've read is very enlightening.

Anyhow, here are the links - hope you find some clues to good health.

MadArt (ist)


“Capsicum is highly effective in causing hemorrhoids to regress; and these fruits have the same action on varicose veins. The results are attributed to alkaloids or glucosides in the peppers.”

“• Enables feeble stomachs to digest food; for atonic dyspepsia; specific for hemorrhoids; cures intermittent fever; Capsicum has the power to control menorrhagia; relieves sea-sickness;”

“• Excellent for any type of internal hemorrhage, (create an infusion with bethroot or star root);”

“Through the circulation, its influence is manifest through the whole body. The heart first, next the arteries, then the capillaries, and the nerves.”

(see part II as well)

“Cayenne can be applied to open wounds or taken orally to stop bleeding. Nosebleeds, deep cuts, even arterial gushing will stop within seconds.

Blood pressure is equalised throughout the body so there is no excessive pressure on the haemorrhage area and it can clot naturally.”

“Cayenne also regulates blood flow effectively so circulation throughout the body is even, and there is no excessive pressure in any one part.”

“"If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other. There is no other herb that increases your blood flow faster than cayenne. There are none that work faster; none that work better".”




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