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Maintenance cleansing :) Re: Iodine and stomach acid - pretty important stuff here. Re: Newport re GERD
unyquity Views: 8,009
Published: 18 y
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Maintenance cleansing :) Re: Iodine and stomach acid - pretty important stuff here. Re: Newport re GERD


The comment I'm about to make is NOT to question your own knowledge of your own body, I KNOW that your level of knowledge is sufficient to be able to hear & discern the signals that your body gives. However, I do want to point out the following, in reponse to this statement:

>>> So I'm
fairly confident that I have long since gotten rid of the "gaseous, rotting, putrefying layers of plaque" that people who have never cleansed typically
have. I also did a 30-day juice only fast last July. The one I do this year,
however, will be different, as I intend to use coffee enemas this time!<<< that others can have the benefit of the knowledge I'm about to offer. And that is:

It is theorized (and basically accepted) that the REASON we ever get a build-up of mucoid plaque in the lining of our colon in the first place is due to the following:

When anything toxic/poison/undesireable is put into the mouth, the body immediately responds and does everything it can to make sure that toxin doesn't absorb. (if it's bad/strong enough, we automatically throw-up). What usually happens is that the intestines secret an VERY thin layer of mucous that will both capture the toxin/poison AND prevent it from reaching the villi in the intestinal walls (so they can't absorb the toxin). In the best of all worlds, that layer of mucous would come off and be evacuated in the next bowel movements. But we don't live in the best of all worlds, we live in a world where we cannot avoid eating some form of a toxin with almost every meal. Hence, the very next meal after the first layer of mucous was formed, yet ANOTHER layer of mucous is formed...and meal after meal after meal - day after day after day, those wee-thin layers of muocous filled with toxins continue to layer & thicken.

HENCE, to achieve a clean healthy colon once or twice in a lifetime is not EVER enough. ALL of the healers that utilize colon cleansing (which basically include any of them that know anything about the body), recommend colon cleansing several times a year for 'maintenance' (same with liver/kidney cleansing :) It's not that our bodies shouldn't be able to do it on their own (especially with a good bile flow and a healthy diet), it's just that they're 'up against' a totally unnatural level of toxins...and they need our help because of it.

And that's my additional .02 worth on that :)



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