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Re: Totally agree
unyquity Views: 7,646
Published: 18 y
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Re: Totally agree

"Agreement" and confirmation by others, is ALWAYS a good thing.

Too bad those of us that have either 'been there done that' or studied the workings of the human body (and how to help it heal itself), just don't have the 'numbers of voices' to counteract the mass amounts of disinformation offered by those that market various unneccessary/useless/harmful supplements...coupled with the zillions of people that believe the scam and perpetrate it to others.

Of course when you add the above to the VERY big fact that we've all been brainwashed into believing that HEALING comes from a bottle (ARRRGH), and NOT by drastically changing ones lifestyle and diet. Well, it seems like 90% of the people in the world of holistic healing prefer to "look to the bottle' before EVER looking for the cause that might make them expend actual effort to heal themselves. And there's the drug companies (oops, I mean the supplement companies...smirk), raking in the bucks while people continue to be sick. Hmmm.

I remember when no one had ever HEARD of probiotics; now it seems everybody thinks they NEED them.

But Dr. Gerson? Dr. Christopher? Dr. Kelley? Rife, Schulze, Budwig, Clark...all managed to heal people from the most drastic of disease states without using probiotics (and if they did use them, the usage was MINIMAL).

You rock...Rock ON!




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