Plzchuckle's Hot Lemonade Flush - layer 17e
Yesterday morning, I had my lemonade, having gone to the full 60 drops of liquid (of 1/4 teaspoon if you're using powdered).
Yesterday, I felt good, NO apparent liver swelling, NO pain!!!! The lump next to my spine has gone down at least enough to be unnoticable.
My bowel movements have changed. I was going 3 or 4 times each day on really good days. Yesteray, I only went once, but it WAS one of those that raises the level of the toilet water!! There is still what is apparently old blood. I feel that this is still washing out the residue from damage sustained from my fall in Dec. Maybe that lump was where the damage was??
4 doses and I've seen no stones, just a bit of chaff, alot of sludge and feelings of recovery ... FINALLY.
In a few mins, I'll be taking the 5 day of this gentle flush. I'll report back tomorrow.