Re: WHY are y'all cancelling your orders???!!!
Clarkson labs (apparently) ships
Lugol's in plastic bottles. Plastic bottles does not make what they sell "not Lugols", it's just
Lugol's in a plastic bottle. We're holistically minded, we don't like plastic, so we don't like
Lugol's in plastic.
Also, plastic doesn't serve at all as a good long term storage for ANY chemical solution, but it sure keeps costs down for the big labs. So I'm SURE that Clarkson expects anybody that orders (that isn't going to be using their Lugol's immediately) to switch it to the better amber bottles.
Ricca Labs (apparently) is an affiliate of Clarksons. When one can't order from Clarksons (due to the restrictions on where they will ship), one is sent to order from Ricca. According to Ricca information on the 'net, Ricca ships Lugol's in amber bottles.
I think that should help clarify, if not, let me know and I'll try again :)