Re: Paging the seasoned veterans..questions
Hello Daisy,
One needs to put Master Cleansing into perspective and
try to see it as a piece of the *body maintenance*
puzzle. While you are looking at weight as the main
issue, it could easily be that you have yet to deal with
issues like
parasites or yeast which will also contribute
to weight gain and until those possibilities are addressed
you may do many things to lose weight and still the
freeloaders will override many of your efforts.
Check out the symptoms of
parasites (for example)
There is yeast to consider, and like Roberta was saying,
most often, we are also chronically dehydrated. I bought
and read the book, The Body's Many Cries for Water and
after my first long MC, that was the big challenge and
the biggest lesson I learned; that I did not drink enough
Best of luck~~
be happy, be well,
Zoe (seasoned with cayenne) :)
The Master Cleanse Express