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Same here...
cora Views: 1,079
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 851,888

Same here...

I started putting 2 and 2 together a while ago and came up with this:

The closer to sunrise I wake, the better I feel. Whenever I've not been able to get to sleep until really really late (early?) - like 6AM - I'll wake up after 8. I feel instant sadness. I think my "body mind" knows that it's about to have "one of those days".

(I usually wake up right around sunrise without trying, between 6:30-7:30)

I find it very important to find ways to "appreciate/notice/observe/meditate/yoga/exercise if you're into it" at sunset, for example. I've read one should practice these things at sunrise or sunset.

It all makes a bunch of sense to me. Does anyone have more info/interesting related stories or links?


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