Re: Pain in lower left abdomen among other things...
54791...Your liver problems probably ARE due to the Glucosamine/Chondroitin. My own
liver problems have come about from taking Synthroid for over 30 years. But I'm
working on fixing the liver and you can too. :-)
You said you have a juicer...I always start with a carrot juice base...and then
add what I think we need...I almost always add spinach...but some things that are
good diuretics are..cucumber...asparagus...celery...parsley (don't use much parsley..a sprig or 2 is plenty)...just add them to your carrot juice.
Carrot, spinach and beet (I even add a beet leaf or 2) are all good for the liver..
and I mix them all together...5 or 6 carrots...a big handful of spinach..and 1/4 beet...and usually one big beet leaf.
Spinach and beet are good for the colon...well, so is carrot. All of the greens
have chlorophyll and are very healing. They're also loaded with silica which is
so good for the skin, hair and nails.
Good fruit juices to flush the kidneys are..pineapple...grape...grapefruit. And of
course, the classic cranberry.
I'm also taking Enzymatic Therapy's Complete Liver Cleanse...supposed to cleanse
the liver in 14 days. It has Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Tumeric and other good
liver herbs. It was about $24 at my health food store...but I really trust
Enzymatic I expect it to help tremendously.
One thing is for want your kidneys, liver and colon in tip top shape...
and that's what you have to concentrate on right now.
I can't remember what all you asked about and I forgot to look. :-/ I'll be back
on for about an hour about 5am if you've posted again...I'll find it
You can turn all of this around...juicing is the fastest way to turn your health
And these detox baths....I LOVE THEM!!! :-) Now, I'm not going to do them daily
like was recommended. In fact, I'm only going to do a couple a week...I had
powerful results out of the first one. Praise God! I NEEDED good and quick results.
I'll read all your posts in the morning...and see if I missed anything you were
wanting to know about. Sorry, it's been a hectic day and my brain fog is fried...
now brain fog is bad enough...but FRIED brain fog at the end of a long busy day...
oh my goodness. :-) kathryn