Re: bloody stools, painful bowel movements,noise,moucus etc.
I agree with those who say stop the meds.
I used to have the same problem with bloody stools. THe noise you're hearing is probably from your colon cramping up at the folds under your ribcage on both sides, you probably have pain there too. WHen it cramps up the fluid strugles to get through these kinks, hence the noise. My colon HATES laxatives of anykind.
With the bloody stools, until you get a better answer, I would suggest you go out and buy some white oak bark(an extremely powerful astringent) and ceyenne(WILL stop bleeding). I used make a tea with 1 tsp of each white oak bark and ceyenne to each cup of water and take it as an enema. It burned a little but stopped the bleeding immediatly. If you don't have an enema set up just ingest it. 1 tsp ceyenne 3x Daily is the usually dosage, or you can get the capsules. ALso make a gruel with slippery elm, this will help greatly and plug up the wounds.
If the swelling is mainly on the left side of your abdomen, then it's most likely your colon.
Cayenne works wonders. even to this day I use 1/4 tsp. daily to keep my bowels,blood, lymph flowing.
I know what if feels like to have that icky feeling all over. Take it easy on yourself. You can and WILL get through this. I wish the best of luck to you.