Please read Zoebess' post, below, first
Hi, John,
Good for you for watching your uncle so closely!
Sounds to me as though he is showing signs of a physical slow-down.
All kinds of bodily and brain functions depend entirely on movement; clean water; fresh air; light food that contains living enzymes; and so on. Even laughter is very important...good sleeping patterns, too, as you seem to notice.
Since your family seems to be very close, could you all agree to surround him with small changes for the better?
This may NOT need to be talked out among you. You could simply start DOING small things that are needed, and the others might catch on.
You could...
...Drink cups of hot/warm water, providing a cupful for everyone present, with little or no comment...just because YOU like it.
We use Brita filters with crystal rocks in each (from the healthfood store). We also murmur pleasant and thankful words to our water (foods, too), just in case it helps as much as they say it does. Even the touch of caring hands seems to add as much energy to food as does an arm around the shoulders does to comfort and confidence.
Hot/warm water first thing in the morning helps bathroom functions wonderfully. You could add a bit of fresh lemon juice, and/or a tiny drop of the best blackstrap molasses...or the best honey from your healthfood store. There are good things said about Manuka (sp?) honey.
It is amazing what people will automatically drink or eat, just because it is at their elbow.
...Provide high-enzyme foods/snacks/treats. Home-grown mung bean sprouts are so can sprout them in a jar on your kitchen counter. Look for plastic mesh lids at your healthfood store.
Just soak the seeds for a few hours in cool water, then tip that out and stand the jar on its head at an angle, rinsing the seeds two or three times per day (I usually 'float' out and discard most of the hulls as the sprouts get larger). Bean sprouts can be eaten soon after sprouting, or you can wait a bit until the first leaves turn green...this means they have developed more chlorophyll, which is really good for the body.
Other good sources of digestive enzymes are...mixed fresh pineapple and fresh papaya; and a product called Bio-K. (At your healthfood store, or Google it. It tastes like a nice, light buttermilk.)
Fresh nuts (from local trees, or a gardening club); greens and other vegetables, as fresh-picked as possible and often raw; salads; and the best eggs, soft-poached or any other way that leaves the yolk liquid, provide enzymes and many other good things.
Your town may have an organic vegetable supplier. Ours delivers, weekly. Just opening the box lifts and inspires folks.
Simple, plain foods are best...a little at a time, often. A bit of dried kelp, daily, particularly with meals, would be a good thing. It crumbles so nicely, onto soup or broth, or salad...anything.
...Read at the Salt forum.
...Read at
...Reflexology and Touch for Health are very, very good.
...Take your uncle, and anyone else, for daily walks...particularly among trees.
You could invite him to walk around the building with you, anywhere that you get sunshine and the air from growing things. (Get your sunshine only for a minute or two, at first, then build. Wear hats most of the time.)
You see the direction a senior can take to wellness. It is not so much what we are AGAINST that does the trick, it is what we are FOR...especially if we can insert it into our lives effortlessly. Substitution is a good thing.
The greatest health risk for seniors is boredom. It sounds to me that your uncle is actively seeking life and interests.
Give him small responsibilities at every opportunity. You could simply ask him how to make some tasks go more smoothly or quickly. Little 'discussions', daily, even at a regular time, could revive his interest and cure that tiredness.
Every 82-year-old is a treasure of information and inspiration...I know because my husband is an active 82. (I am 69.)
Give your uncle every opportunity to display his capabilities. You'll discover things you had never thought of before. Very satisfying!