After nearly 2 years, my athletes foot is nearly gone. Thanks to Coconut Oil, my feet look normal again. Shea butter worked, but only for a while. Prescription meds didn't work nor did over-the- counter products. At one point, I soaked my feet in bleach water (even that didn't help).
I started applying Coconut Oil to my feet nearly two weeks ago. I didn't apply much, just a dollop on each foot. After I applied the oil, I put on my socks and went about my business. I also soaked my feet in Apple Cider Vinegar and water for 20 minutes...applied the EVCO afterwards (I use Nutiva Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil, which is also raw). I noticed a difference right away.
And now, I can look at my feet without being disgusted. I was so embarrassed about the way my feet looked. They looked SO darn hideous. Give or take a couple of weeks, I can say goodbye to athlete's foot forever. Thank Goodness!