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You could be right!
parrotgreen Views: 2,422
Published: 18 y
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You could be right!

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Your procedure sounds like mine (explained below under "instructions" at
, with very small variations on the exercises.
I notice your version does not mention the throwing up at the end, unless I missed it.
I do it at every change of season, only for one day, but with much more salt water, until the water running out is as clear as the water going in.
In that case, you have to allow for a whole week of special diet, reintroducing different foods VERY slowly, only cooked foods so as not to damage the intestinal tract. And a week of rest. Very good for the eyes.
Learnt this with a yogi in North India in my hippie days in 1978. The one you are following is called "Laghu Shankh Prakshalana", meaning small cleansing of the circonvolutions (of the intestines).

This shortened procedure has been used at Lonavla School of Yoga and Hospital (near Pune in South India, Maharashtra), to successfully cure diabetic patients. At that time. I don't know if this institution still exists.
They used to make patients do it for nearly a month everyday I think - but don't count on my memory, I wasn't sick so did not take notes!


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