The recipe is OK, but the instructions are missing :
- Do not eat supper the night before.
- Drink the mixture glass by glass (1/4 pint glass approximately). There has to be enough salt to make it taste like soup, but not too much that it is unpleasant.
- Drink one glass and do the 5 following exercices. DO NOT skip the exercices!!! Then go on with another glass + exercises.
#1 - stand up on your toes and reach for the ceiling with the hands, stretching as much as you can, then back on your heels - 10 times
#2 - stand up with the arms raised towards the ceiling and bend on each side, reaching the arms diagonally. This will feel like stretching the sides of your waist - 10 times on each side
#3 - stand up with right arm extended on the side at shoulder level and left arm folded towards the throat but elbow is like the right arm, sticking out at shoulder level. Then swing right arm behind (torsion of torso) and when you come back alternate arms, with left arm shooting back and right hand coming to the throat level. Vigourously to get a nice twist. 10 times on each side
# 4 - lie down on your belly. Lift yourself on your hands while standing on your folded over toes. You are hanging from these two points. Look over one shoulder to your feet, then to the other shoulder; 10 times on each side (do not get down in between!)
#5 - Sitting down on the floor, with one leg firmly bent to your chest, the other stretched in front of you. Alternate legs swiftly. Apply maximum force when pulling the knee to your chest.
All these should be done with as much energy as you can muster. They will open the sphincters of your body and allow the salt water to cross your digestive track, without being filtered by the kidneys. So they should be done in the right order.
You should do the 5 exercises as fast as you can, then move on to the next glass.
Sometimes next day you will feel some pain from overstretching but never mind!!
At some point you will need to go to the bathroom. Do so and resume the exercises.
If nothing happens, go on with the exercises. It means you have some kind of intestinal blockage (too much food the day before, constipation, a blockage made of air). Try to relax when on the toilet.
When the bowels start to move, it means that the siphon is activated, everything will go on smoothly.
When you have finished, you will have to stop this, otherwise, anything you will be eating/drinking will rush out!
Take the last glass of salt water, pull your navel in and out a few times, then stick your fingers in your throat and throw up. Don't worry, not unpleasant, it is just salt water. It also ensure a flood of blood to the head with reversal of the energies. Necessary to put you back in shape.
Then do NOT drink/eat anything for 20 minutes.
Then you MUST eat someting soft, like porridge. You can start drinking 1 hour after throwing up. If you are too thirsty, just lick an ice cube.
After all this, REST for a while. This will enable you to increase ten-fold the benefits.
Do not hesitate to ask if you have a question.
To your health!