Hi Dennis! I had Gout about 5 years ago (I'm 43 right now) when I used to work standing all day at a really toxic job I had-- surrounded by chemicals - and probably lead as well (because I had to wash glass lenses and lead was used to hold on metal castors to these lenses. I had to melt off the lead to further process the lenses.
I probably had that rare form of gout brought on by lead poisoning - according to the info you posted.
Well I quit that job after getting accused of always scratching lenses (when it was the stupid machine's fault!) and the gout left me gradually after I no longer worked in that job. I also drank alot of freshly blended raw frozen cranberries(unsweetened) in water-- tons of it , because I read that this would flush out toxins and fat. It seemed to further help the gout go away until now I no longer have it!
Since then I really took responsiblity for my health and began doing cleanses, etc., and no longer even eat the same way I used to. So there is hope for those with gout! :-)