Just listened to Dr. Flechas radio interview -- it brought me to tears
I am not an overly emotional person, and very few things bring me to actual tears, but when he started talking about his patients with PCOS having regular menstrual cycles, it gives me hope -- more than anything else I've looked into over the last 15 years -- that one day soon, I'll be "normal". I won't have to worry about uterine cancer because the cleansing fuction of my uterus isn't working properly. I won't become a diabetic because the insulin resistance will go away. My brain will work properly -- I'll feel smart again. My energy will finally be what it's supposed to be for the first time ever.
Could it really be so simple that my PCOS, my insulin resistance, could all go away with a bit of iodine?
Can my diabetic family (4 of the 7 of us are insulin dependant, 2 more have insulin resistance) be helped (not cured, just helped to lower their insulin needs) by something so elemental?
Can this basic nutrient be the thing that helps my friends who are also PCOS, or have other fertility challenges?
How many of my friends and clients are going to benefit from this (I'm in the process of becoming a certified with my biofeedback machine)?
I am in shock and utter amazement at the damage
Iodine deficiency can cause.
If anyone has not listened yet, it's here:
I'll listen to the 50-min. program later today, then post what I found most interesting in both.
Have I thanked you all enough for pointing me in the right directions for my research?
If not: THANK YOU!!