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Re: Hulda Clark Cures Cancer except when She doesn't
John Cullison Views: 9,985
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 845,026

Re: Hulda Clark Cures Cancer except when She doesn't

One obvious thing that goes ignored here, as if it doesn't matter, is that Hanne was undergoing chemotherapy (AND radiation treatments!!!) throughout her bout with cancer. The whole point of chemotherapy is to kill the cancer cells before killing the non-cancerous cells using poisons, the very kinds of substances that Clark forbids. Where in Clark's writings does she ever once say "by the way, do this *while* you're on chemo for best results"? She doesn't. Ever.

So how can Pia claim with a straight face that her friend Hanne followed Clark's protocol to the letter?

Doing chemotherapy while performing Clark's protocol is NOT following Clark's protocol.

The chemotherapy and radiation treatments didn't work, either, did they? It wasn't until Hanne's last week that she rejected the last chemotherapy dose, right? Where is Pia's indignation over the failings of modern medicine here? The chemotherapy and radiation were false hopes, too. Yet Pia's mad at Clark?

The best that modern medicine had to offer, and it failed her -- not only by not working, but also by interfering with the Clark protocol.

One other obvious flaw is that Hanne "changed her soap and hygiene articles to organic products". This is also not really following Clark's protocol. In Clark's protocol, you do away with products entirely. While a product might be made of "organic" ingredients (whatever that means these days), the whole point of avoiding products is to avoid the minute contamination that occurs due to the processing of the products. It's not the pesticide used on the herbs, it's the isopropyl alcohol and other substances used to clean the packaging equipment that Clark upbraids. So, again, Hanne was not following Clark's protocol. She was following some unnamed "HC-practitioner"'s Clark-Like protocol.

This "practitioner" should be the focus of Pia's ire, if any belongs anywhere. This practitioner is guilty of false advertising, at the very least, for suggesting that he's an "HC-practitioner" when he clearly is not. He should never have agreed to work with Hanne while she was under the care of medical doctors. Never. As you can see, when it fails, who gets blamed? Not the medical doctors. Instead, Clark gets blamed for something she didn't even do.

If you want to fault Clark, please actually find someone who has followed Clark's real protocol and had it fail, OK? Please?


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