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Hulda Clark Cures Cancer except when She doesn't

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cures Cancer except when She doesn't

"The Cure For All Cancers" - Except Hanne's
    by Pia Johansen

My friend, a young woman of 42 years, was diagnosed with severe breast cancer. She got a full mastectomy and was treated with chemo and radiation.

She contacted an alternative practitioner, who besides magnetic treatments also deals with the Hulda Regehr Clark protocols. These protocols are based on the idea that all cancers are caused by a single internal parasite - the human fluke.

Clark claims that all cancers and many other diseases are caused by "parasites, toxins, and pollutants" and can be cured by killing the parasites and ridding the body of environmental chemicals. Her book, The Cure for All Cancers, states:

"All cancers are alike. They are all caused by a parasite. A single parasite! It is the human intestinal fluke. And if you kill this parasite, the cancer stops immediately. The tissue becomes normal again. In order to get cancer, you must have this parasite ...."

My friend started to follow the prescriptions of practitioner
Hennrik Dalsmund, Denmark, for cleanses and zapping in order to rid herself of the flukes.

The practitioner told her, that her beloved pets maybe were the cause of her cancer by infecting her with the parasite! He urged her to get the animals (5 dogs, 4 cats and birds) out of the house. She managed to place all the animals with others, except 2 dogs, which were also treated with the zapper! I must tell that she was single, and her pets were her whole life and heart. She had a limited circle of friends, whom all have dogs, cats and other animals. She therefore could not visit them, nor ask them to visit her, because she was afraid of being re-infected! Even her mother, who took care of her, could not bring her dogs, they had to be placed with others too. She and her mother ended up sitting very much alone - and THAT I find to be really cruel! Taking away a terminal person's last joy of life, and placing a false hope for full recovery.

The practitioner claimed at her first visit that he could cure her cancer for sure! She paid him at least $800 for capsules, tinctures, zappers and the full Monty. She followed the protocol by the letter, ate organic food, and changed her soap and hygiene articles to organic products.

After she had finished the chemo and radiation treatments, she started to work again, but shortly (½ year) after she was diagnosed with a recurrence of the cancer, which had now spread to her lungs and liver, in spite of what Hulda Clark claims!!
She was now only offered palliative and prolonging care (chemo therapy), as recidivistic breast cancers are considered non-treatable and incurable.

She again turned to the HC-practitioner, who once again claimed he could cure her, and he would now use a real strong cure! (She received chemo at the same time.)

We talked a lot with her about the HC-concept. I was very critical. She said that HC was her only hope - and did I want to cut her off from that? NO, but I certainly didn't like seeing her being exploited and maybe hurting herself by consuming all those herbs and capsules, of which some are known to be poisonous. They sure made her vomit a lot, and spoiled her appetite! And thereby stole the good which proper nutrition could have given her.

No matter what, she continued on the HC-protocol all by the letter - she hadn't read the book though, she didn't have the energy to do so. She blindly trusted the HC-practitioner, and as "HC is a doctor and has written several books, she must be sincere!"

She also continued to visit the HC-practitioner, and when she told him that she had refused the last chemo-treatment the hospital could offer her - just about a week before she passed away - he answered: "I am glad about that, it gives us a chance to fill in" 

One Friday she was taken to the hospital suffering from severe lack of oxygen due to the cancer having spread to the lung tissue. Tuesday I visited her, and watched her zapping, both her and the dogs, and she swallowed a bunch of capsules.

She had an appointment with the HC-practitioner a few days later - she didn't make it.

Hanne died Monday night, Jan. 15, 2001.

God bless her soul.

Pia Johansen


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