I feel the same way about oil pulling as you do. If I had've continued pulling all of February and March, most of the health issues that I'm having now would not exist. Not pulling for an extended amount f**ked me up big time.
I had been out of town and I forgot to bring my oil with me. I thought I could buy some where I was going to...but they didn't have any. So I went for a week without OP'ing...and have suffered the consequences: gum disease, coated tongue, poor circulation, decreased energy, etc.
Pulling at least once a day is better than not doing it at all. I stopped for yet another week (tooth extraction) and the results were not pretty. My health went to hell. I have no other way to describe it.
I did have a tongue piercing (which I took out early this morning). It was what was causing my mouth to feel as if I was using too much hydrogen peroxide. Once it came out, I felt much better.
I've pulled since then...dislodged my blood clot yesterday...but thanks to pulling with coconut oil, it's healing again.
No more OP breaks for me! I learned that lesson the hard way.