Endometriosis & Mirena
I have both Endometriosis & IBS. I had the Mirena inserted after being told it was the last thing that I could try to get rid of daily cramping. I had tried a birth controll implant in my arm & also 6 x monthly hormone implants in my stomach before the Mirena. Yes my pain has decreased noticably but the side effects are making life very very difficult.
I must admit my doctor - whop is male, was unbelievable. He is the nicest Gyno I have met. He is part of the Endometriosis unit in a local hospital. He did research alot at the time. With many patients suffering from it I was the worst. And it came down to the fact that he researched Mirena & was unsure of what to try. He did explain this at the time but the pain was overwhelming & I had to try.
Now after having it in for nearly 2 years Im reconsidering. Im a mess. I have every symptom that I have read on these forums. My mood swings are very bad. I feel very sorry for my husband as much as he reads these things too he has no idea of how to deal with me or what is wrong & to say nothing is really wrong and that the smallest thing just sent me into a downward emotional spiral is hard. Just for this I would remove it.
Im wondering if anyone else who has Endometriosis has found anything else that works because I honestly feel like im gonna break. I am having quite bad what it seems pain in my heart & shortness of breath which I am getting looked at. But honestly I am scared to have it taken out because I really couldnt cope with the pain returning. Before the Mirena I couldnt work from when Endo was diagnosed approx a year before Mirena. I'm 26 am married and have finally found the job I want and am scared of losing all this. Yet I have been told I have a very small chance of having a baby naturally which is also eating at me. I quite confused about this all.
If anyone has any information regarding Mirena & Endo please I am in need of all I can get.