Keep in mind that humans have been having home births for millions of years. My wife was at a hospital but no one delivered the baby. While they were pushing the guerney the baby came out and I had to make sure a nurse caught it before it fell on the floor. We were there hours earlier but they did not figure on it coming out so quick.
You could hire a midwife and have it at home. Or if you are at a hospital, have a big tough guy come along and say he is your bodyguard. You can even have a baby born underwater at home and let it float in the water with the cord still attached. This is a more gradual transition.
Modern medicine now knows that the first 3 months after birth are the FOURTH TRIMESTER. Also the way Americans raise infants is horrible which is why we have such a troubled society. To learn more about this and the best way to raise an infant see the 2nd link on this LINKS page. It tells about the continuum concept.