Tamarind/Fluoride Detox thoughts...Re: Detox keeping your drops low? Maybe not!
Thinking out loud here:
In the research I have read, ingesting tamarind causes the urine output of fluoride to increase (no iodine).
This means the blood level of fluoride rose when eating tamarind (assuming, of course, the tamarind dislodged fluoride from the bones/tissue, and the kidneys pulled it out and sent it to the bladder).
Is Tamarind going to LOWER symptoms of detox from fluoride dislodged from the Iodine? Or it is going to put MORE fluoride into the bloodstream? OR is a huge help to the body, both dislodging fluoride AND pushing it into the kidneys (like salt does with bromide/ine)?
So, I'm thinkin' there's a possibility that ingesting tamarind might INcrease the detox symptoms (because all tests show it definitely dislodges fluoride)...or it may decrease the symptoms by both dislodging & pushing into the kidneys for elimination.
Hmmm, inquiring minds wanna know...but it's gonna take a LOT of anecdotal evidence 'matching up' to even have a good premise for a theory. (Fluoride/Bromide poisoing -high blood levels- have EXTREMELY similar mental symptoms).
Just the same, I purchase two 16 ounce jars of some (very vile looking) tamarind paste tonight - 'sure hope it tastes better than it looks! :)