Re: My guidance as to the meaning of life...
There is a HUGE amount of information available to study.....
Who is right or who is wrong?
I suggest the best key is when you see your life is being guided, step by step and lessons learned. Even then, the traps are many.
Thousands can do miracles, but that never means they are on the right path, the path is so narrow in this late stage of this age, that most of the information available may not be what it pretends to be. "IF" we suggest that in the end times most of the people left on earth are in the most wicked of ages, when man "wants not" and has gold/possesions as in no other stage, this would suggest most of the information is trickery.
I have noticed "ONE" reaccuring thing that great people seem to have done in their lives' that kept them on the straight and narrow path; they would go to the woods and seek to be alone and stay there until God answered their questions....
The other 99.999999999999999999% of the information available that ignore's this vital step may be coming from the bad seed that ends up in the fire. Just as in health information, there is SO MUCH, that a human gets lost and so it is with God, the world has so much dis-information, one must walk to the woods and go one on one with the direct source.
If we looked at the internet as a whole, world wide, I have no doubt 99% of the information availabe is some what misleading to some extent, just everyone attempting to suggest their way is the best way.
The big question being who can live long enough to sort the truths from the false. With out God's guidance one has no chance of finding the truths. Only when the eyes are opened can one even start at knowing the truths. We at this end age are like babies thrown to the wolves having no teachers to instruct us, causing a feeding frenzy for evil to walk the earth like a hungry lion.