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Re: :) Re: coffee enemas to help iodine detox
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Re: :) Re: coffee enemas to help iodine detox


Would you mind telling me how much Iodine you're on?

I'm wondering if the detox starts when doses are high enough that the body is no longer pulling it in for other reasons. I just upped mine from 50 to 100mgs/day. I've not had brain fog before but on 100 am getting it.

The Coffee-Enema seem to be what prevents my gut from getting paralyzed when on iodine. Total constipation...more like gut paralysis...was my reason for not being able to go higher with iodine. Now I think the mercury pulled out via the colon was shutting down serotonin production in the colon. As long as I keep flushing the colon with enemas and coffee to keep bile going food is moving through.

Interesting about cell death...I actually hadn't thought of that when I started doing the CEs. Makes a lot of sense. Really one more reason to keep things moving well.


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