:) Re: coffee enemas to help iodine detox
CE's have and continue to relieve a LOT of the 'brain fog' type symptoms, as well as relieving tenderness in the area (which I feel is caused by an overburden on the liver).
The other aspect of the 'toxins released by the iodine', is iodine's ability to restore programed cell death (apoptosis). In cancer cells (and we've assumed cells that are starting to morph/change into abnormal cells "cancer), the cells lose their pre-programmed 'time to die'...hence cancer cells/tumors continue to grow despite the fact that it is well-past their natural 'death date'.
This being the case, not only do we have mega amounts of toxins being released by the iodine, but we also have an abundance of 'normal' cells dying AND cells that have mutated, now starting to 'remember' that they should have been dead already...and this creates yet another burden on the body (especially the liver & kidneys).
One of the main reasons for
coffee enemas in Gerson's therapy is because the toxins released by dead/dying cancer cells are brutal. And of course, someone trying to HEAL from cancer doesn't need their liver to be burdened with the extra toxins.
I am SURE my body will continue to get relief from detox symptoms/damage by utilizing coffee enemas. And when it's all said and done (and I'm finally
Iodine sufficient), my liver is going to be the picture of perfect health because of them :) ...rather than a clogged up mess that requires even MORE protocols to heal :)
'Glad you found some relief from my post - that makes my heart smile, BIG!
Healthy blessings,