Re: Time for a spring cleaning ...
Hello ~~ Welcome back Seunim ~~ :)
Yes, I am about. Funny, since I had contacted Pepe
asking about the Curezone Crash, and kept checking
back using a bookmark which did not work, saying
the site was under construction, so I did not get back
on until late yesterday, to discover so much gone. I
stayed up until 3 in the morning recovering what I could
of my 2nd blog although the address is gone, as well, my
online image file, so I am feeling a tad disoriented.
After having a HUGE cosmic laugh, I took a hike today
and let it go. It was startling though to come back
to the forum and see some folks whose whole Curezone
experience, and all the posts supporting them went into
the cyber-blark hole. I am glad you missed it since it
felt strange. So, a good synchronicity you are beginning
I am expecting a maple syrup order and so am looking
forward to some MCing myself. I am going to see how
some ten dayers would be although I may find it hard
to stop at day 11. Yesterday was 84 degrees here but
we are expecting a cold snap with the night temp on Easter
of 38, so I do not mind waiting for the temps to rise
which always makes a lemonade taste even better.
My own progress continues...I have been doing some work
Iodine painting and did a month of clay every day
which really felt great. A month of
parasite cleansing, a
week of the lime and egg yolk
Liver Flushing and I
feel really good about where my path has taken me,
although, I may have developed an addiction to virgin
coconut oil. I have to hide it from myself~!
If you plan on adding to your blog, I hope you put
your address under your sig again since I know others
will find inspiration in your journey to wellness~!
As usual the board has been busy and I can only hope
that after this recent bump in the road that those
who have lost reference because of so many posts
disappearing will regain their momentum and keep going.
I wish you much success~~!
The Master Cleanse Express