19 y
Colloidal GOLD?
Sometimes, extreme circumstances call for extreme measures. Many things that can be done are helpful, some may not be. One thing that I can tell you is that to get the best results, you need to use the best quality. This is true for CS and most anything else. I have never heard of large amounts of CS hurting anyone other than slightly altering their skin color in a few cases.
I do not know what has been done for this man, but the first and foremost action needed is dietary. At this stage, he probably does not have much energy left to fight his illness.
The number one cause of spontaneous remission of cancer is going to a diet of all natural fresh raw vegetables and fruits (not cooked). Juice them if needed but do not discard the pulp or fiber unless it can not be handled. Pulp and fiber bond wastes and toxins to help carry them out of the body.
If they have been on chemo or
Antibiotics , then their natural intestinal flora has probably been killed off. Restore this with live active cultured foods.
If the natural intestinal flora is gone, then then it is likely that they may have a lot of
parasites which deplete more energy and are an additional distraction to the immune system.
Use a good zapper combined with CS to help reduce this interference. Others may recommend the Beck protocol. This is also very helpful.
This person probably has extreme vitamin deficiencies. Use good liquid vitamins whenever possible. They are 97 percent absorbable while pills are only 10 to 15 percent absorbable.
The really sad thing is that too many times people find out this information late. It is out there and if they found the information sooner, much suffering could be bypassed. I am not claiming that these things would heal or cure everyone but the survival rate could certainly stand improvement.