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Re: Help with questions about time perception.
grzbear Views: 1,698
Published: 18 y
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Re: Help with questions about time perception.

"Seems to me it comes down to point of focus..." Yes, exactly... the same as enlightenment, learning and then living in the moment at all times.

The freeze experiences; hard to explain... for instance if you are experiencing something with perfect focus and in the moment thought, it is almost as if the experience freezes one moment to the next, or progresses at your designated speed.

I became aware of this from understanding (remembered childhood) that children when young experience things with awe, attentive learning focus and fascination because they are experiencing it for the first time and the moments seem, to last forever.

Remember as a child how a day would seem like a lifetime... now as an adult it seems to go by in a blip? Well, my days, are getting closer to feeling like they last a lifetime... it is way cool, but one has to be careful NOT to measure the day either in time or productivity, otherwise the "gift" is lost.

I bet if one practices this every day they would see that, even the act of getting out of bed is a new and different experience to be thankful for.


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