Reuters Health Says Chemo Is Ineffective
Breast Cancer Treatment
Wed Apr 4, 9:09 AM ET (2007)
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -
In the ABC Chemotherapy trial, Dr. Judith Bliss, from The Institute of Cancer Research in Sutton, UK, and colleagues assessed the outcomes of 1991 patients, between 28 and 81 years of age, who received prolonged (5 years) tamoxifen therapy with or without standard chemotherapy.
The chemotherapy group experienced fewer recurrences of their cancer than the comparison group, but the difference FELL SHORT OF STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE, according to the report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
SOURCE: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, April 4, 2007.
SUBMITTER'S NOTE: The fluff has been taken out of the original article, and not one new word has been added to the original text. The headline has been changed to summarize the truly important conclusion of the 2 scientific studies, as presented here. If you find and read the MUCH LONGER, and confusing, original article, you will be surprised and dismayed by the propaganda employed to make the general public believe that cheomtherapy is of benefit. It actually reads like a technical advertisement, which, in effect, it is--as there is NO real benefit to chemotherapy, as found here in the review of almost 2,000 patients. Having been trained in statistics myself, a sample size this large is accurately indicative of the general population, and can be assumed to be valid in predicting the outcome of a given course of action on the average bearette in the woods--in this case, the average woman experiencing breast cancer. What the article is saying is that chemotherapy does not benefit
Breast Cancer patients. So WHY is it pushed so hard by oncologists??