Re: My digital (female) self is suffering
how do you know you're releasing brom?
Hey and thanks for telling us of your experience so far.
this is like venturing into new terrain, who know what our stories will be one year from now.
i would like to ask you how you know you're emitting (is this a good word?) malignant metals. Do you collect your urin and look for sediments?
also i would like to hear more on the moood swings, have there been no elation since the initial threee days? are you restless, agitated, drowsy besides the flares of anger?
just curious to know, i absorbed some drops yesterday through my bellybottom, yesterday being my first day suplementing with iodine. i also take vitamin b complex and zink, zink also inhabits anti oxidizing effects. i was pretty foul tempered today, a sudden switch for the day before, but i did not consider it so unusual as to link it with the iodine. anyway you mention three days of elation in the beginning..