I've not posted for awhile in lieu of wanting to have something relatively cohesive to offer to the forum.
I initially was on the Atomidine for 4 days prior to the
Lugol's which I've been on for nearly 1 full week. So, it's been 11 days en toto. 108 mg of
Iodine per day with the salt water & the vitamin c regimen for good release of bromides. 108 mg. may not seem like much, but I'm a 105lb, 5'3, 54 year young woman. I'm notably petite, so this is ALOT of iodine.
My first advisement is this:
If you're of the female persuasion, start S-L-O-W-L-Y! My psychology has always been to 'assess the situation, move in, effect the needed change in the shortest period of time, and leave'. I've been trained to do things this way.
Well, this approach didn't bode well with the iodine.
The first 2-3 days, I experienced a remarkable 'lightness & wellness of being', as we've all been privy to.
After the 3rd day, halogen/metal detox accelerated with great force. My face started to break out with the kind of zits I used to get when my period was on its way - the ladies know what I mean! They appear...and stayyyyyyyyyyy.
Then the frontal lobe headaches.
Then the mood swings...oh, my, god.
It was like I was going thru PMS every second. Crying, yelling, throwing things, all the nice little hormonal earthquakes indigenous to ovulating women.
Then the constipation/diarrhea.
My husband is still alive.
I read the posts of how all of you were improving in your demeanors, your appetites, your resolve to continue, etc. I wondered at the disparity of my results and the results of most of you who posted.
I thought about my diet..what was the predominant food I've been eating over the years. Grains...and not always the best organics. Grains (carbs) are cheap, and meat was off the plate for decades (I'm a veg-head).
Of course I ate other things, but my main fare was grains. Brominated grains.
The bromides were coming out so fast and so furiously that my kidneys and mind couldn't facilitate and arbitrate the detox. I lost balance & control.
So, long story short. I would advise NO MORE than 50mg. of the Lugol's/Iodoral maximum...and work up to that! Yes, WORK UP TO THAT AMOUNT. I had no idea how deficient I was, although I suspected. I had endocrine problems in college - so the deficiency has been ongoing for at least 30 years.
Ladies, go slow, we've more fat, than men, we're physiologically smaller than men, and our hormonal profile is vastly different.
I'm continuing with the iodine, but I'm exhibiting more wisdom at this juncture. I've reduced the dosage to only 50mg - which appears to be working. I'm rebalancing, re-formatting the game plan, and as time progresses, I'll post more.
Hope this helps some of you clarify what you may be experiencing, or MAY experience if you jump into the deep end without first testing the waters!