if your final product has color, it is caused by too large of particle. go to room temp on the water. make sure your water is pure distilled and your silver is .999+ fine and that no other metal touches the water, ever. make sure the silver is cleaned with a new piece of scotch pad and distilled water only. avoid all contaminants as if you were making for an IV. stir frequently while the process is going on or use an aquarium pump with new hose and stone to run in the water while the process is going on. if you have a multimeter, run it in line set for 20 milliamps or less. you should start at about no more than 1ma, though .25 is really great because it shows your water is really pure. let it rise for 2ma above where you start(remember this target number - it should be from 2.25 to 3.0) then stir it down or stop if using the pump to continuous stir. let it rise again to that same number of 2ma above where you started and then stir it down. continue this until you can no longer stir it down at the determined number. watch it so it does not rise significantly above your target number. at that point, the product should be clear and the ppm should be between 10 and 20ppm.
best of luck. also, it makes better and faster during new and full moons. i dont know why but i checked it out and it works. quarter moons, waxing or waning, are the worst times to make it.