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Re: pulp fiction...

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 18 y
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Re: pulp fiction...

camera pans in, giant hand grabs lemon and juices it on the mountain's peak...

we are on the same page and you are right , it is so important that us lay folks do the job.

90% or so of my posts always reference doing the cleanse right...following the program.

It is important.

That is the only way that any real ,hard ,conclusive evidence can come about. That is why much. if not most. of the info here is not legit,because it is not scientific and consistent. Too many people do it their way...and not by the book. We are in total agreement and if you have ever read my past posts you will realize that I go by the book and advise others ,especially noobs, to do the same,to be safe and effecient.

It is mearly semantics and interpretation we are talking about re;pulp.

Bottom line, don't change a thing until one is experienced and one is determined.
For the best results do it by the book.

Making judgements that something does or doesn't work mearly by the hearsay of an MCer who on day 4 just had a smoke does not constitute a viable source of information.

This is the first cleanse where I have actually left the pulp in the juice in the lemonade. I have quite a few of the MCs under my belt,the last being a 45 dayer 100% by the book, other than more cayenne.

I perused the archives a bit and found that the results from leaving pulp in were about 50/50 pro/con.

Yesterday I left it out and did not have any eliminations after the swf for the whole day, I'll leave it out for the next week and see how it goes.

Do it by the book and follow the program strictly to ensure the best results. You have much detoxing to do and any variation can/may/will alter the general affects and determine the effeciency and the 'easiness' of your cleanse.


Pepe, thanks for your support...



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