There is a difference in what the body actually digests and that which it will still "try" to digest but can't. The keyword here is the "try" to digest element. Obviously there has to be an element of digestion for the Lemon juice and maple but being liquid in form the body has to work very little to make use of their componenents. This is why juicing veggies provides some serious readily assimilable nutrients cause all the hard work of breaking down the fiber into juice is already done.
Anything that is solid in order for the system to make use of it it has to work hard at breaking it down into juice first thus using up more energy in the procees of "trying" to digest a solid whether it actually can digest it or not. "Lots of pulp" is hardly the equivalent of a comparatively small amount of cayenne. Common sense. Everything I've ever read on liquid fasting sez "no solids"
In the 5 years I've been around this forum there have been a number of cases of folks experiencing hunger thoughout the fast and when they started straining the juice, hasta la vista hunger. Experience
Folks with experience will experiment but they are not the ones seeking info on these forums . It's the noobs like the original thread poster and they should at least have a chance to experience the MC at it's full woikin' mojo the first time around to have some kinda reference point of how the MC was originally designed to work.
Who know how many other noobs that keep complaining of hunger have also not been filtering the pulp out and suffer needlessly throughout the fast or worst yet quit because they did not have the will power to overcome the hunger.