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I know nothing about anything and need some advice...

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Wormwood Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

  Views: 1,608
Published: 18 y

I know nothing about anything and need some advice...

I am new to CureZone and new to trying to get off the Standard American Diet. I am 27 y/o F and have had a history of female problems and vascular headaches, not to mention the very high number of family members diagnosed with cancers. (Mom-breast, Dad-Prostate, Grandpa- Prostate, 2 Aunts- Breast, Uncle- Prostate, Great Aunt-Breast, etc.) I am extremely scared of these statistics, and honestly feel that with me it isn't a matter of IF?, but WHEN?

as a little history on me:
I just did Julia Chang's Liver and Gallbladder flush, and was absolutely amazed. I never had gallbladder or liver problems but the amount of stones that "came out" was more than a little disturbing. I intend to do it or maybe a different one again in 6 mos. and regularly thereafter.

Since about the age of 16 i have never had regular periods. never. i even went about 1 to 2 years without one completely. i've noticed since the liver flush, and having taken chinese bitters that things are getting bcak to normal down there, but still they are weird. sometimes i have a dark brown discharge for a few days then nothing. then light pink like i'm starting my period and then again nothing. what could be going on? would taking chinese bitters daily straighten it all out? i think it is hormonal, personally and unofficially diagnosed myself with pcos years ago. i am overwieght and always have been since puberty, i have a beard i have to deal with, problems with boils on me inner thighs and outter lady parts, thickened skin on my inner thighs and parts of my neck, and extremely painful periods when i do get one. Plus at 17 was diagnosed with vascular headches and prescribed depakote to treat. I took the depakote for a month or so and stopped because it literally made me sick to my stomach. I moved to arizona in 2000 and changed my lifestyle to one less stressful, and noticed the headaches remedied themselves. However in the past year or so they have been back and honestly the only thing that helps is pot.

I must admit I am emotional about all of these problems, and do not trust doctors.
One of my Uncles had cancer himself, and treated it himself and thereby cured himself. He also helped my mom. she had a lumpectomy and the doctors recommended mastecctomy plus chemo and radiation. she told them to stick it and just remove the lump and went to my uncle. i will admit she didn't do absolutely everything he wanted her to do, but she is 15 years cured with no signs of it having returned. and she has been regularly screened. I trust that if/when I am diagnosed he will also treat and cure me, one of the ways being juice fasting.

My question here is can I possibly head cancer off at the pass, by juice fasting occasionally now, and doing other types of detoxifying and cleansing? If so what do you recommend? Plus, can these detoxes, juice fasts, etc, help any of my other more immediate problems??? Also, is an organic and non-refined foods diet the best waay to maintain health once I have cleansed and detoxed my body?

I will admit right now, that as a newcomer I know nothing about anything and desperately need some guidance from more knowledgeable persons. That would be you all. Thanks in advance for your considerations.

God bless,


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