r_tista...Hi! I'm 60 years old...and have had the same fears as you for years.
My moms side of the family was a walking time bomb. Most of her sisters lost their
lives to cancer...as well as her brothers and some of my cousins. That's what got
me into studying natural healing in the late 1970's. It was apparent that once a
person was diagnosed with cancer..at least back then and in my family....you may as
well start planning the funeral...because doctors in our part of the country didn't
have a clue as to what to do...pump them full of chemo...and get it over with sooner
is what "I" saw. So I slowly began my search of ways to 'ward off cancer'...it only
makes good sense that it's easier to 'ward it off'...than to fight it off after you
have it.
So I began studying everything I could get my hands on about natural healing AND
cancer. And we do all the things we can to make sure our bodies are healthy in
'our' household.
We lost my mom to colon cancer in May of 2003...that was a real blow...because she
knew I had studied all these years...and had even helped other people...so she asked
me to go to her appointments with her and daddy...and whatever the doctor said...
she'd ask what "I" thought of it. Our family doctor is also a good personal friend
and on the day he diagnosed mom...we were all in moms hospital room when he came
in with the news....my sisters, their husbands, daddy, my husband....and our doctor
also knew I studied natural healing...and he pointed his finger right at me and said..."Now this is serious...YOU stay our of it!" But I did all I could...the
Essiac tea...(we had 'tea parties'...and I'd have a little
Essiac tea with mom each
day) and I did other things that I felt would help....but mom wouldn't do the juicing...didn't like carrots...and wouldn't give up her afternoon vanilla milk shake...even during treatment. And to me...that was crucial...because I've come to
believe...from all I've studied that cancer feeds on sugar. She lasted 15 months.
My sisters and their families and daddy...still eat the SAD diet...but my husband
and I..(and I try to advise our grown kids with their own families)....to do all the
good we can NOW...we do all the preventative things we can NOW. We juice...eat
healthy...get plenty of exercise and sunshine. And that's what I'd advise you to do...do all the good things NOW!
My sisters have had polyps removed since mom passed away...they have been diagnosed
with osteoporosis...and they deal with the run of the mill...mediocre health issues
on and off. I am the oldest...but can work circles around them...I have good strong
bones...and haven't shrunk even a smidgen yet :-) And thank goodness for that...because I'm only 5 foot to start with. :-) No signs of anything really...
praise the Lord. But we DO work at being and staying healthy. And we do good things
for our bodies daily.
I'd suggest that you get a good juicer (we use the Champion juicer and have had the
same one for 18 years)...and just start doing a lot of good healthy things for
yourself. You said you're overweight...so get that extra weight off....juice
once or twice a day...and that doesn't have to be complicated...just have one or 2
glasses of carrot, spinach and apple a day....you'll be getting tons of good
nutrients that way....leave off the bad stuff...don't eat too much meat...don't eat
ANY lunch meat, hot dogs, or anything with the
nitrates , etc in them. Back off on
dairy, etc....try to eat as close to nature as much as possible...not many processed
foods. You don't have to be perfect...but you have to do it enough that it makes
a difference in your life. And get exercise daily...even if it's just walking in
front of the tv during your favorite program. Do deep breathing daily...and
think positive. If you'll do all of this...I'd say you'll have a pretty healthy
Go to your local health food store and see if they have any of the N W Walker
books...they thin...and paperback...and worth their weight in gold. You can also
get them on ebay. Also check out the Hallelujah Acres website...and find the place
to order their bi-monthly magazine Back To The Garden...it's free and just full of
good articles on getting and staying healthy....also has tons of testimonials in each issue from people who have turned their health around with a natural healing
diet and lifestyle. This magazine is priceless!!! AND FREE!!! :-)
Good luck with everything! kathryn