it's now nearly two weeks after my first flush, and although i had a successful flush, a 100+ stones, i have had problems post flush. After the first few days i had pains under the rib cage, headaches and cramps. then that was followed by constipation. I posted on here and the advice was that it could a stuck stone and to drink apple juice, Epsom Salts etc. I did this and noticed the ebbing away of most of these symptoms. However i have noticed my digestive system is not working properly, i have put on weight, my stomach has bloated big time and although the food is going in one end (i have changed to a vegi, almost vegan diet) it is very reluctant to come out the other end. I have decided to do antoher flush in another weeks time, but im very reluctant if these effects continue. Can somene please tell whats going on here?