There are been continuous improvement in my digestion from the start. I went to MH at Ask Barefoot with my problem early on, last spring, I'm guessing. He explained to me that fruits are easy to digest and would give my system a break while all this heals. It worked. I NEVER don't digest fruit. Too much meat of any animal will still give me problems, but I understand this ... we train our babies bodies to digest meat with baby food meat, do we not?
I've been taking plant oils by the tablespoon 3 times a day. These give me NO problems. I'll share something with you tho. This week, ummm, Wed night, I went into watch tv with my daughter and grandson, they'd just finished eating fast food and had french fries left over ... silly me! ... I ate the left overs. 1:30 am I was up and going like I was in the middle of a liver flush!!!!!! til 4:30am!!! My body does NOT was overheated refined oils and it means it !!!!!!! It asked me "DO YOU HEAR ME?????" uh huh, I heard!!!!!!
As diet changes take place and become permanent, your digestion changes. I'm seeking natural health and will wind up a vegeterian if not vegan, eating a mucusless diet suits me. If it heals me, why would it not keep me from getting dis-eased?
As for what cleanses I've done ... I've done at least some work on all of them. I don't believe in the 7-day
Colon Cleanse kinda stuff; I believe that all cleanses need to be thorough... pretty much an ongoing process.