The facts of the matter is that true Colloidal Silver is not intra-cellular thus meaning its useless at fighting viruses and alike. You need intra-cellular action for this and the particle size of true Colloidal Silver is too large to enter the cell. Colloidal IONIC silver will easily enter the cells and render viruses dead upon contact. Colloidal Ionic Silver is made with low level DC and some higher powered AC units such as CSPRO Systems. True Colloidal Silver can only be made from using very high powered units where your talking 5000-15000 volts and very high current using either Neon Sign transformers or Microwave oven transformers. The color of true colloids is dark and not see through and this again is due to the large particles.
So lets just say you have bad M.S and you wish to sort yourself out what do you do/choose? Well you first of all set up an I.V then you take Colloidal IONIC Silver this way and for good measure some Ozone or H2o2. I wouldn't entertain true Colloid for the job. The only true colloids I would take are Gold, Platinum.