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Compatibility issues and schedule = Enzymes, Pau D’arco, Essiac, Vitalzym enzymes
luise Views: 12,529
Published: 18 y

Compatibility issues and schedule = Enzymes, Pau D’arco, Essiac, Vitalzym enzymes

Dear all,

Would you know if you have to take separately Essiac tea from MGN-3 (Biobran) sachets(perhaps 2 hours apart). I learned that it is better to take Essiac and MGN-3 two hours apart from other supplements, but I am not sure if you can take them together, one after the other.

Can you take Essiac tea with Pau D’arco capsule together or you have to leave some time between them. Can you take enzymes with essiac tea?

Would you know in general if Vitalzym, pau d’arco, essiac is good combination in cancer treatment- are there any conflicts? Any feedback would be greatly appreciate.

Thank you very much,

Kind Regards,


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